Monday, February 11, 2013

University, weather and America.

Seeing as I haven't blogged in a while and that I am sitting in front of a Mac with nothing better to do, I thought I would share some of the words floating around in my head :)

Looking at the list of deadlines and work to do in front of me, it seems as if I will never complete this semester. I think starting an article or piece of work is the hardest thing... I find that once I have completed the first sentence things start to progress and move more swiftly.

My first deadline for this year is in two days time. I have to write an 800 word travel article, which to be honest will be the easiest one for me to do. I decided to write my article on Greece, more specifically Crete as I loved the island! It was beautiful, and I'll be linking the country to wildlife as that will be the topic of my university magazine project :D

On a different note, I am off to New Jersey at the end of March! I am really looking forward to it as I will be able to meet my distant relatives (Metaphorically and literally) for the first time. I have been to the states three times, this trip will be my fourth. I was lucky enough to visit Florida twice, staying in a villa each time. I then visited New York a couple of years later, however we went in February and it was absolutely freezing! I suppose New Jersey early April will be a little bit better, but nothing like the heat of Florida in August, it made me come over quite funny at some points. I'm not used to it being from England... We get a week of nice weather in the year if we are lucky ;)

Speaking of bad weather, the snow is back... Which I am not very happy about. I did like snow until this year; Now I can drive the snow just prevents me from doing every day things, I thought the snow phase had passed for this year, but unfortunately we have got more than usual. England is never prepared for snow even though we get it every year and have a year to prepare for it. I would drive in the snow but my mum is a bit wary of me doing it, probably because I have only been driving for just over a year and a crash, even caused by another driver will put my insurance right up. It's gradually going down and I am very happy for it to stay that way :P

Anyway I need to be getting back to my phone to play Candy Crush Saga... Okay, It's not a need, I'm just finding myself addicted to it at the moment although it isn't productive in the slightest.


Friday, January 11, 2013

A new year, a better year

A bit late I suppose, but I'm really looking forward to what this year brings.

Hopefully I will find another job, I have just applied to Hobby Craft, would absolutely love to work there, it's like heaven...

I've applied to be a blood donor, completed my first university exam, learning shorthand, starting to get back in to crafts and hobbies, the only thing really holding me back is my job.. but you can't have everything can you? People are a lot worse off than me, and it brings in a bit of money I suppose. I would just love to enjoy my work, something I find interesting and have a passion for... That's why I want to become a journalist, it opens so many doors and you can become skilled in so many different areas.

I just LOVE creativity.

I've never really done new years resolutions, I haven;t got the will power to stick to them unfortunately. I get a new idea in my head and move on to that instead. I'm also a fairly impatient person when it comes to certain things, when creating something or aiming towards something I try to finish it as quickly as possible, and many resolutions take time. I suppose good things come to those who wait though. Don't you wish you could just click your fingers and lose a stone in weight? But I guess that takes the satisfaction out of it and you will have done no work towards it. I have a mixed mind depending on what the situation is...

Here are a few recent pictures of my shenanigans...

The teddy I made,

Giving blood, saving lives,

The shorthand alphabet.

I hope this year brings good things to all reading this.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ill for Christmas?

I really hope not, it's three days away. I have a chesty cough and aching all over, headache and dizzy every time I turn my head. This isn't as bad as my brother's Laryngitis though. I've had that before and it's one of the most painful things I've ever experienced..

I did read in the paper (The Mirror) that the 'winter bug' or norovirus has increased 80 odd percent since last year. It's hard to imagine.. Luckily I think I had that a few months back so mine should already be out of the way..

But yes, I had to ring in sick at work early hours of the morning. I nearly fainted too.. this is one thing I hate about my work, their hygiene is appalling.

'I've got the flu, I'm snotty and I've been sick' 'That's okay, come in, we need people, come and snot all over the sandwiches and food at the bakery and give your illness to all of the staff members and the vulnerable elderly customers and children you serve.'

It makes me angry, not just because it's just before Christmas, but because they send you warnings and letters telling you that you've had 5 days off sick in TWO YEARS. Well, if I come in, you will lose even more staff because I will pass it on, and I've helped them out SO many times before covering people, many more times than I've been off..

Anyway, moving on from the rant.

3 out of 5 people in our house have got something wrong with them, I don't want it to ruin Christmas, We've paid a lot for Christmas dinner at the Beefeater and it's usually the best part of the day. My nan is already in hospital having had both of her knees replaced and we are all worrying that she won't be home in time :(

2012 has been such a bad year for me. I mean there have been some good things too such as me starting university etc. But there have been deaths, illnesses, hospital visits and just so much crap. But to be honest, in December 2011, I had a strong feeling that 2012 would be bad for me. This year however, I feeling quite the opposite, I feel like 2013 is going to be better, a lot better.

I can usually tell when something bad is going to happen, it's like I have some sort of gift :P

Friday, December 14, 2012

Trapped in a world I don't want to be in

I'm not referring to life, just this world. The things that go on make me ask why.

People are dying but money is more important. People don't work and get given everything, yet those who go through education for over 20 years and earn a degree, working helplessly and struggling on a daily basis get nothing. Bullying and the words people use to bring people down, it's making people give up.

The government is failing and in a lot of cases people are better off in prison. I watched a tv show about prisons and one man said he would rather be in prison because you get everything given to you, he said it's harder out there.

And then there are those people who take their anger out on other people and end innocent people's lives. Today for example, why a man would go in to a primary school and shoot dead over 27 people, most of them aged between 5 and 10, I don't know.

It's sickening. Absolutely disgusting.

Yes, life is tough but if it's tough for you, don't make it even worse for other people. Losing a loved one is the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone.

These are only a few of the reason's why I think this world is corrupt.

At least there are some things that keep us going, help us forget about the shit that's going on around us.

My list of things that allow me to forget about the bad things..

1: My boyfriend, love is what keeps most of us going, just wanting to be with that person so much that you push stress and other crap to one side.

2: Music, I'm pretty sure a lot of people turn to music when they are in a bad place, even if they aren't it just makes life that little bit better and gives you more of an identity.

3: Thinking about the future, thinking about a life with the one person you love, having a family and that job you've worked for and hoped for all of your life.

4: Animals, I always forget about everything when I'm around them, they don't know what's going on, and they won't get down or drag you into their problems.. unless they're hungry, then that's a big problem, especially for my cat.

Just want to end this blog with a few lyrics that are probably the best I've ever heard, so true, David Cameron should read these, Ever since I heard them I've been tempted to send them to him.

Behold, Plan B.

 There's no such thing as broken Britain

we're just bloody broke in Britain
What needs fixing is the system
not shop windows down in Brixton
Riots on the television
you can't put us all in prison

Friday, December 7, 2012

Driving problems..

Problems meaning BMW drivers. There are too many of them on the roads, it's actually putting me off driving.

Hey, do you want to hear a joke? You're going to anyway..

What's the difference between a hedgehog and a BMW? ... With BMWs the pricks are on the inside.

My dad taught me that years ago and when I was young I just thought 'Silly dad and his road rage..' Oh god, he couldn't have been more right. I think I get it from him, I get so angry if someone pisses me off when driving, If someone tries to overtake in a 'Cocky' or 'BMW' way, either beeping me or making a gesture I will follow them at whatever speed I need to and stay right up their arse to completely fuck them off. It's great. The best thing is when they try to overtake you on a one lane road and you speed up when a car is coming in the opposite direction. Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving anyone hints here, but 'Road Rage Sophie' does this and I can't control her. I would never take risks when driving, I don't want to cause a crash.. but the majority of these pricks need something hard to hit them. Preferably a car.

I'm definitely a sensible driver, 99% of the time.

And 99% of the time I stick to the speed limit too, which is a reason why drivers such as the Beemer prick annoy me. There are flowers at the side of the roads because people die from speeding, yet they speed past where someone has died? That's why I get road rage, I mean I wouldn't really purposely make one of them crash, I would just make sure they knew how stupid they were being.

I have a problem with contradicting myself if you haven't yet noticed. I think there are two sides to me, like a devil and an angel. The devil comes out and spurs me on to piss the Beemers off.. But the angel then says, 'SOPHIE YOU FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, DON'T BE ONE OF THEM!' So I usually listen to her.

Reading this back I now believe I need mental help.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

No subject.

Well this blog will have a few subjects but they are probably not worthy of a mention in the title..

Firstly here's a picture I took last Sunday morning... Just because I love it so much.

Frost on my wing mirror at about 8am, It looks fluffy.

The snow from yesterday it quite pathetic to be honest, I think the frost we had looked a lot better. It didn't snow enough to take any nice pictures and it's all starting to melt and just look a bit messy. Well to be honest it has all just turned into ice (Which isn't good when you live at the bottom of a hill). I had to deliver Avon orders in the ice/snow last night, I wore my boots but still managed to fall flat on my face. As I walked down a speed hump I slipped and fell forwards, Luckily I was holding an empty box and fell into it, but my wrists and knees shattered to pieces. What a wonderful time of year.

Talking of Avon, This brochure before Christmas will be my last as I have so much University work to do, then exams in January. In fact I have 3 essays and portfolios in for less than two weeks time (Most of which I haven't started). It is a bit of a burden being an Avon Rep when you have other commitments, no space to store anything, and it -2000 degrees outside. I mean it would be good for a stay at home mum or something, but the money is not worth it at the moment. Plus I would rather focus on my University which costs me thousands a year rather than Avon which earns me on average £40 every three weeks.

I'm off to Top Golf in Chigwell today with my Brother and Dad. I have a new PINK driver that I have to try out. Plus we are having lunch there as a kind of late birthday present from my Dad (His words, not mine). They do have heating which is a bonus, I'm more worried about this badly pulled muscle in my left arm. Balls will fly. In strange places.

Anyway, have a nice Thursday, I'm sure it will be great for most of you sat at work or at University in the cold.

Bonjour (As Del would say)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's snowing outside..

Obviously not inside. That would be worrying. Probably means you have a large hole in your house.

What a shame the snow missed my birthday by 7 hours.. but then again we were driving all day so it would have caused havoc.

There's never a white Christmas when it snows early on in December, it's just Sod's Law. Although I did say in my last blog that I see Christmas as being all of December.. 

I absolutely LOVE snow! But only really to look at and take pictures of, It's definitely time to get my camera out. Saying all of this, it's only been snowing for a few hours and I haven't even looked out of the window because I'm still in bed. My mum and Facebook decided to tell me before I've had the chance to look for myself, but I believe them. I have my new £40+ boots to wear now.. I've been waiting for this so I can wear them. But unfortunately I have to deliver my Avon today, so the customers in driving distance will have to wait as my mum doesn't want me driving in it. Sigh. But I suppose it will make things more interesting when delivering by foot.

This is only going to be a short blog because I'm tired and will probably go back to sleep for a while, It's only 7am bare in mind.

Don't slip!